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Language Data Commons of Australia & Australian Text Analytics Platform’s Day of Activities before ALS2022

University of Melbourne, Parkville

The Australian Text Analytics Platform and the Language Data Commons of Australia are projects supported by the Australian Research Data Commons to develop infrastructure for Australian researchers who work with language data. This day of activities organised by the projects will give ALS conference delegates (and anyone else who is interested) the opportunity to learn … Continue reading

Research Software Engineer (RSE) Asia Australia Unconference


You are invited to participate in the first online Research Software Engineer (RSE) Asia Australia Unconference, a joint partnership between the newly formed RSE Asia Association and the RSE Australia New Zealand Association. Research Software Engineer is a broad term for people who combine programming and research skills that have trouble defining their role and … Continue reading

Showcasing Approaches to Digital Humanities for Researchers: Advance care planning for your research data

Sometimes research projects can feel never ending, but in fact most projects do have a finish point (such as submitting a thesis). What then happens to the data collected in the project? This workshop starts from that question, invites participants to consider possible answers and then to think about the implications for their current data … Continue reading